
Friendship between Japanese and Filipino elders

Elders from Ibasho project in Japan are visiting community members in the prospective Ibasho cafe site in Ormoc, Philippines. We had such an inspiring first day of elders exchanging their ideas and skills to each other. One of the Japanese elders who is a retired carpenter, realized a few useful techniques that could make local homes stronger against to typhoon. Then, the elders picked up the carpentry tools and helped a 84 year old man who were building his home. After their exchange of skills and knowledge in two countries. The Japanese elders said “We have learned so much from the people in Philippines. They may have limited resources, but […]

Ibasho House Article – Silver News

#1 Silver News, a Japanese publication, published a series of five articles about Ibasho House by Dr. Yasuhiro Tanaka, an architect who has been researching the Ibasho cafe in Ofunato. This is the first of his four articles. シルバー新報に、居場所ハウスの記事が掲載されました。5回連載の1回目の記事を以下に紹介しました。次回からの記事も掲載しますので、お楽しみに!現地で頑張って下さっている田中さんの視点、興味深いです。 #2 Learning from each other: Elders and young generations can teach and learn from one another… #3 This is an article about forming meaningful relationships through incidental encounters. Ibasho Cafe strengthens community resiliency by engaging elders in the process of creating a welcoming, informal meeting place where they can act as catalysts, connecting community members of all ages. 「居合わせること」がすべての始まり:場が持つ無限大の可能性 Ibashoが目指す「ゆるやかに、自然に人がつながる場所」、公民館や集会所との違いを通し、上手く表現していただいている文章だと思います。これも、地域の皆さんの理解と努力のおかげです。 「弱くとも広がりのある関係が築かれている地域が、災害時や災害からの立ち直りに強い地域と言えるのではないだろうか」、心に響く表現です。 #4 This article is on reinventing our own community: How elders […]

Creating a Sense of Normalcy

I have watched the film Alive Inside, a documentary that depicts the impact of music on the life of individuals with dementia. It was a lovely and inspiring film that reminded us that “there is a whole person behind the disease, which can be awakened by the right emotional connections.” Watching the film, I felt the importance of a person’s connection to normal/familiar life. As we all know, individuals with dementia are constantly suffering from confusion about the world in front of them. Unfamiliar lifestyles and environments may add even to their confusion and anxiety, leading to behaviors that make their family caregivers or staff in the elder care facilities where they live […]

“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”

“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” ~ Henry Ford Such a powerful quote when we try to to bring about “innovative approach” to how we care for elders in our society. Do we want to keep building “better institutions” or to create an “ibasho” where elders are valued as a asset of their communities? In ibasho projects, elders are not considered as someone who are “cared for” by younger people, but “care for others” to strengthen their community. Elders in the “Ibasho house” in Japan celebrated the 1st anniversary event o July 13th 2014. During the first year of operation, they have […]

Person-centered care: Lessons learned from Apple customer service

My beloved Mac started to act very strange and give me headaches, so I decided to repair it. This symptom started more than one month ago. I made an appointment, and waited for several days before I was able to see a “genius” at the genius bar in Apple store. Then, had my computer diagnosed by them. The person asked me what the symptom was, so I explained all the experience I had and shared my ideas about what seemed to be the problem. He took notes (less than half of the things that I had explained to him), and said “Here is what I think the problem is.” I […]

3rd Anniversary of Japan Earthquake/Tsunami

It has been three years since the day I got up early in the morning and just could not complehend the devestating news broadcasted on the TV. In this three years, we have learn how resilient, wise, and resourceful the elders can be to bring back their community. Their selfless love and strength created such a wonderful place filled with purpose and joy. Thank you.

Difference between “designing mix use housing” and “designing relationship”

Age segregated elder housing options are not preferred by elders, and also expensive. This building type actually creates (sometimes exacerbates) social stigma toward elders. I have been advocating “multi-generational housing development where people can age in place within their familiar community.” There are many articles and discussions generated lately that “we need to design mix use housing where people of all ages reside.” I have seen some housing developments and elder care facilities that are connected to childcare or schools. The intention is to enhance the multi-generational interactions. However, most of those places are still segregated, and I rarely see constant interactions between different generations. I have been asked so […]