Emi Kiyota (Ibasho) and Jose Colucci (University of Texas) delivered a presentation “Fresh thinking on Old Age: Design for fulfillment” at the SXSW conference. The session was well received and generated many interesting questions from the audience. I hope our presentation challenged our current idea regarding the design for aging, and will stimulate the future discussion to make our society a better place for people of all ages!

Fresh Thinking on Old Age: Design for Fulfillment

Synopsis of the session:
For this session, José Colucci — an IDEO designer and aging specialist — partners with Emi Kiyota — an environmental gerontologist, cultural change expert and founder of Ibasho — to bring fresh thinking on old age. Our plan is to move away from generalities on aging (everybody knows about the graying of the world’s population, the increasing longevity of humans, the challenge of supporting people in retirement) to focus on solutions, insights and tools that will lead to innovation in policy, environments, services, digital interactions, and products for the aging population. Case studies from Ibasho’s work and IDEO’s portfolio on aging will suggest how.

Click here to view our presentation (pdf file).