The first ibasho cafe in the disaster area in Japan is under construction now, and we have another exciting news. Elders in Massaki area in Ofunato city Japan formed a not for profit orgazation to operate this cafe as a community initiative. On February 28, this organization was formally approved by the city.

Who said “older people cannot start social enterprise”?

We belive that their wisdom and experience are critical part of the recovery process in the disaster area. We are confident that those elders will be great resources for younger generations in this community. We are opening the cafe on June 13th, 2013, so will be busy for the preperation from now. I cannot wait to see them in action, and learn from their wisdom to create a “Ibasho” for the people who lost their homes and loved ones in front of their eyes at the 3.11 earthquake/Tsunami incident in Japan….

I am so proud of the elders and generous young supporters who brought this effort into life…